Varieties of White Garden Roses

Looking for the perfect white garden rose for your next floral arrangement?

We offer 9 different white garden roses seen here in a side-by-side comparison:

Nine 9 varieties of white garden roses in a side by side comparison image. The white wedding roses include Alabaster Princess Miyuki Vitality White Cloud White O'Hara and the White David Austin Garden Roses Eugenie Patience Purity and Leonora

As you can see in the side-by-side comparison there is quite a range in hues from the bright white of Alabaster and Princess Miyuki to the ivory tones of Vitality and Patience. Quite often it is likely touches of blush will be seen in the center of a white garden rose, especially in the varieties Eugenie, Purity, and White O’hara.

When deciding what you would like to order, please be sure to check out the individual page of each white garden rose as we try to share as many details as possible regarding their particular characteristics.