Lavender Bouquet Garden Rose

Varieties of Lavender Garden Roses

Like all roses, lavender garden roses carry symbolic meaning, adding depth and significance to their beauty. While red roses are often associated with love and passion, and white roses symbolize purity and innocence, lavender roses convey enchantment, mystery, and refinement. They are the perfect choice for expressing admiration, fascination, or a sense of enchantment towards someone or something.

We are pleased to present three lavender roses, all of which are full of enchantment, mystery, and refinement!

Menta dusty lavender garden rose

Menta is a lavender rose that offers a very dusty, antique coloring. It opens beautifully to a full bloom. Menta has a long vase life often living at least 12 days.

Lavender Bouquet Garden Rose

Lavender Bouquet is a lovely and romantic lavender-purple garden rose, it is one of the few high-performing varieties in this color. The blooms are large and filled with ruffled petals.